Hazard Database

Hazard detail

Food Type : Beef mince (raw)
Description : also includes raw meat patties. Check other meat types for mince made from meat other than beef

Hazard:Biological -- Enterobacteriacae -- STEC
Source:Note shiga toxin producing E coli (STEC) are rare in NZ adult beef. If present, then most likely associated with contamination with faeces, ingesta and dirt from the gastrointestinal tract and hide
Justification:*Risk Profile: STEC in red meat.
*HACCP application for the manufacture of raw meat patties Section 12.
*Microbial Pathogen Data Sheet
Control Measure:Good Operating (hygienic) Practice during slaughter, dressing and further processing of beef. Follow guidelines stated in the Microbial Pathogen Data Sheet. Ensure good hygiene practices are in place. Prevent cross-contamination in food preparation areas.
Reference:Risk Profile: STEC in red meat
Last Updated:15/10/2019


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